American Qualifications

We are International Exclusive Excellence
Every Academy claims to be the best, or to qualify their students at a higher level than others. We don’t CLAIM, WE DO!
This is why we are the preferred educational institution that employers select students or potential employees from. Any qualification completed through XFE Academy is nationally and internationally recognised in the highest regard.
About NCSF
The National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF) in America is an international organization of exercise professionals headquartered in Coral Gables, FL. The NCSF board for certification oversees the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) accredited credentialing programs and advocates on behalf of exercise professionals around the world.
NCSF is one of the 5 accepted qualifications in the USA and world-wide.
CEU Courses:
Please Note: Many of these courses are included in our XFE Academy short and advanced course packages
Performance Enhancing Drugs - Anabolic Steroids (3 CEU Credits)
Become familiar with WADA regulated class III drugs – anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). Learn what they do and how they function.
Learn the purpose and function of anabolic steroids including both anabolic and androgenic effects, ratio, and ergogenic benefits. This course identifies dosages, magnitude of effects and what are commonly stacked for performance relative to sport. It also identifies which drugs aromatize and which have the most dramatic effects.
Methods of Study:
Combination Course workshops are done at our facilities and via live streaming regularly throughout the year – please enquire for course dates
Online courses start on the 1st of each month
All course registrations take place on the 25th of each month. Course payments have to be received by the 23rd of each month to be registered in that month or the registration will be drawn over to the next month.
Course Duration:
Full Time Courses / Live Stream 1 day (usually done in combination with other CEU short courses)
Online Courses can be completed at own pace.
All students have a total of 3 months to complete this course including the exam.
Online Course Price: $89.00 / R1 700.00
Please enquire for workshop/ live stream price
Professional Practise Standards (2 CEU Credits)
All professionals should understand how to be the best in their field and identify what it takes to be a true professional.
Being professional not only improves one’s ability to stand out in the work place it also increases the likelihood of professional success. Learn the different aspects of being professional and the attributes that make-up the industries best practitioners. From the development of standards and guidelines to established best practices, learn right from wrong to expand your professionalism and success.
Methods of Study:
Combination Course workshops are done at our facilities and via live streaming regularly throughout the year – please enquire for course dates
Online courses start on the 1st of each month
All course registrations take place on the 25th of each month. Course payments have to be received by the 23rd of each month to be registered in that month or the registration will be drawn over to the next month.
Course Duration:
Full Time Courses / Live Stream 1 day (usually done in combination with other CEU short courses)
Online Courses can be completed at own pace.
All students have a total of 3 months to complete this course including the exam.
Online Course Price: $59.00 / R1 150.00
Please enquire for workshop/ live stream price
Vitamin D Super Nutrient - (3 CEU Credits)
Find out all this hormone-like vitamin can do for your body and the evidence between adequate consumption and health.
Get all the nutritional facts and none of the fiction as you learn the types of vitamin D, how its processed and where to get it in foods. This course covers the metabolism, signs of deficiency, and consumption levels along with the research findings of each purported claim. Find out why nutrition experts have been touting the importance of vitamin D sufficiency for lifelong health.
Methods of Study:
Combination Course workshops are done at our facilities and via live streaming regularly throughout the year – please enquire for course dates
Online courses start on the 1st of each month
All course registrations take place on the 25th of each month. Course payments have to be received by the 23rd of each month to be registered in that month or the registration will be drawn over to the next month.
Course Duration:
Full Time Courses / Live Stream 1 day (usually done in combination with other CEU short courses)
Online Courses can be completed at own pace.
All students have a total of 3 months to complete this course including the exam.
Online Course Price: $89.00 / R1 700.00
Please enquire for workshop/ live stream price
Weight Loss Supplements (3 CEU Credits)
These agents are designed to eliminate unwanted weight and promote improved body composition. Learn what over-the-counter supplements and drugs work and which just leave you with a heavy price tag.
People have been looking for the miracle cure for being overweight and obese. Identify what legal products work and how they function albeit metabolic enhancement, appetite suppression or as an energy blocker. This includes foods, supplements and drugs all purported to help one lose weight. The safety and efficacy of each weight loss agent is also covered.
Methods of Study:
Combination Course workshops are done at our facilities and via live streaming regularly throughout the year – please enquire for course dates
Online courses start on the 1st of each month
All course registrations take place on the 25th of each month. Course payments have to be received by the 23rd of each month to be registered in that month or the registration will be drawn over to the next month.
Course Duration:
Full Time Courses / Live Stream 1 day (usually done in combination with other CEU short courses)
Online Courses can be completed at own pace.
All students have a total of 3 months to complete this course including the exam.
Online Course Price: $89.00 / R1 700.00
Please enquire for workshop/ live stream price
Heart Rate Variability (1 CEU Credit)
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) has become a popular marker of health and can be measured by many different wearable devices. Sports, wellness, and performance coaches and exercise professionals should understand the basics of this fascinating phenomenon. Learn how HRV indicates internal stress and how the information can be used to improve health, performance, and recovery.
Methods of Study:
Combination Course workshops are done at our facilities and via live streaming regularly throughout the year – please enquire for course dates
Online courses start on the 1st of each month
All course registrations take place on the 25th of each month. Course payments have to be received by the 23rd of each month to be registered in that month or the registration will be drawn over to the next month.
Course Duration:
Full Time Courses / Live Stream 1 day (usually done in combination with other CEU short courses)
Online Courses can be completed at own pace.
All students have a total of 3 months to complete this course including the exam.
Online Course Price: $29.00 / R600.00
Please enquire for workshop/ live stream price
CBD and Medical Marijuana - (4 CEU Credits)
This course covers the emergence of cannabinoids as a pharmacological aid used for a host of ailments including depression, sleep disorders, anxiety, inflammation and seizures. It also reviews medical marijuana’s use as a prescription medication and novel uses in an evolving area of medicine. Learn about human and phyto cannabinoids, the science behind the effects, how it is produced, common ratios and the psycho-physiological outcomes associated with each. The legality of use is also reviewed at both the state and federal levels.
Methods of Study:
Combination Course workshops are done at our facilities and via live streaming regularly throughout the year – please enquire for course dates
Online courses start on the 1st of each month
All course registrations take place on the 25th of each month. Course payments have to be received by the 23rd of each month to be registered in that month or the registration will be drawn over to the next month.
Course Duration:
Full Time Courses / Live Stream 1 day (usually done in combination with other CEU short courses)
Online Courses can be completed at own pace.
All students have a total of 3 months to complete this course including the exam.
Online Course Price: $119.00 / R2 300.00
Please enquire for workshop/ live stream price
Recovery Techniques (1 CEU Credit)
From water therapies and cupping techniques to kinesiotape, athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike spend time, money, and resources to optimally recover from training and distress. This course dispels the myths and identifies exactly what works based on the science. Covering taping, massage, acupressure, scraping, release therapies, temperature therapies, percussion guns and much more – all research based in this instructional program
Methods of Study:
Combination Course workshops are done at our facilities and via live streaming regularly throughout the year – please enquire for course dates
Online courses start on the 1st of each month
All course registrations take place on the 25th of each month. Course payments have to be received by the 23rd of each month to be registered in that month or the registration will be drawn over to the next month.
Course Duration:
Full Time Courses / Live Stream 1 day (usually done in combination with other CEU short courses)
Online Courses can be completed at own pace.
All students have a total of 3 months to complete this course including the exam.
Online Course Price: $59.00 / R1 200.00
Please enquire for workshop/ live stream price
Understanding Lunge Variations (1 CEU Credit)
This course looks at static, dynamic and ballistic lunge activities for mobility, strength, and power. It explores multi-planer lunges including use of the training vectors and identifies the common limitations to effective training. Learn the specifics of recruitment and adjustments that make this exercise a staple of variety in your programs.
Methods of Study:
Combination Course workshops are done at our facilities and via live streaming regularly throughout the year – please enquire for course dates
Online courses start on the 1st of each month
All course registrations take place on the 25th of each month. Course payments have to be received by the 23rd of each month to be registered in that month or the registration will be drawn over to the next month.
Course Duration:
Full Time Courses / Live Stream 1 day (usually done in combination with other CEU short courses)
Online Courses can be completed at own pace.
All students have a total of 3 months to complete this course including the exam.
Online Course Price: $59.00 / R1 200.00
Please enquire for workshop/ live stream price
Maximal Results: The Deadlift (1 CEU Credit)
The group of exercises referred to as deadlifts should be a staple of any resistance exercise program. Learn how to make this collection of lifts generate significant returns on your fitness and performance goals.
The deadlift is a high utility lift with the ability to promote both functional strength and power. When correctly performed this group of exercises has significant transfer to health, fitness, and performance activities. While seemingly easy to learn most individuals fail to execute these lifts correctly – find out why.
Methods of Study:
Combination Course workshops are done at our facilities and via live streaming regularly throughout the year – please enquire for course dates
Online courses start on the 1st of each month
All course registrations take place on the 25th of each month. Course payments have to be received by the 23rd of each month to be registered in that month or the registration will be drawn over to the next month.
Course Duration:
Full Time Courses / Live Stream 1 day (usually done in combination with other CEU short courses)
Online Courses can be completed at own pace.
All students have a total of 3 months to complete this course including the exam.
Online Course Price: $59.00 / R1 200.00
Please enquire for workshop/ live stream price
Muscle Building Supplements (4 CEU Credits)
The development and maintenance of quality muscle requires time and effort. Learn the dietary strategies and supplements that truly work to build and maintain muscle.
This course will provide the dietary know-how for using energy and non-energy supplementation to build muscle including type, time, and daily dosages. Using the latest research and clinical data you will learn the best dietary methods to add lean mass and support ongoing performance adaptations.
Methods of Study:
Combination Course workshops are done at our facilities and via live streaming regularly throughout the year – please enquire for course dates
Online courses start on the 1st of each month
All course registrations take place on the 25th of each month. Course payments have to be received by the 23rd of each month to be registered in that month or the registration will be drawn over to the next month.
Course Duration:
Full Time Courses / Live Stream 1 day (usually done in combination with other CEU short courses)
Online Courses can be completed at own pace.
All students have a total of 3 months to complete this course including the exam.
Online Course Price: $119.00 / R2 300.00
Please enquire for workshop/ live stream price
Understanding Gluten (1 CEU Credit)
Gluten has been receiving significant amount of negative media attention over the past several years. Inspiring some concerns centered on its consumption but is this basic grain protein really a negative nutrient or is it simply getting a bad rap? Learn why gluten has become a household name and why it may be a relevant factor in the diet.
Weight gain, bloating irritable bowel have all been associated with gluten. But what really is this grain protein and is it in fact a problem in the diet? Learn about where gluten comes from, why it is common in foods and who needs to consider making dietary adjustments regarding its consumption.
Methods of Study:
Combination Course workshops are done at our facilities and via live streaming regularly throughout the year – please enquire for course dates
Online courses start on the 1st of each month
All course registrations take place on the 25th of each month. Course payments have to be received by the 23rd of each month to be registered in that month or the registration will be drawn over to the next month.
Course Duration:
Full Time Courses / Live Stream 1 day (usually done in combination with other CEU short courses)
Online Courses can be completed at own pace.
All students have a total of 3 months to complete this course including the exam.
Online Course Price: $29.00 / R600.00
Please enquire for workshop/ live stream price
Box Jump Training (1 CEU Credit)
All box jumps are not the same. There is significant adaptation diversity with box jumps – it is not simply how high you jump. Sure, box jumps can be used for power training, but did you know they can be used for landing mechanics for sports and training, dynamic core stabilization and kinetic chain enhancements as well as hip cycle speed for running and Olympic weightlifting.
This course teaches you the ultimate utilities of the box jump. It takes you from the traditional use of the box to diverse programmatic option that will expand your repertoire of offerings from a single apparatus. Whether your goal is power, speed, core or metabolic training this course will teach you what a professional should know about using the box for optimal results.
Methods of Study:
Combination Course workshops are done at our facilities and via live streaming regularly throughout the year – please enquire for course dates
Online courses start on the 1st of each month
All course registrations take place on the 25th of each month. Course payments have to be received by the 23rd of each month to be registered in that month or the registration will be drawn over to the next month.
Course Duration:
Full Time Courses / Live Stream 1 day (usually done in combination with other CEU short courses)
Online Courses can be completed at own pace.
All students have a total of 3 months to complete this course including the exam.
Online Course Price: $59.00 / R1 200.00
Please enquire for workshop/ live stream price
Fitness Training During Pregnancy (1 CEU Credit)
Exercise during pregnancy is an important part of a healthy outcome for both mother and baby. Exercise professionals should know risk factors, proper exercise selection and what is contraindicated for safe participation. This program explores the importance of exercise, training intensities and exercise volumes, what to avoid and what is safe, as well as who should not exercise due to complications.
When training pregnant females exercise professionals should understand starting points, qualifications for training intensities and volume as well as exercise selection. Monitoring the program, understanding maternal adaptations, making adjustments across terms and identifying areas for risk are all part of the journey. Learn how to work with this special population in the most safe and effective manner.
Methods of Study:
Combination Course workshops are done at our facilities and via live streaming regularly throughout the year – please enquire for course dates
Online courses start on the 1st of each month
All course registrations take place on the 25th of each month. Course payments have to be received by the 23rd of each month to be registered in that month or the registration will be drawn over to the next month.
Course Duration:
Full Time Courses / Live Stream 1 day (usually done in combination with other CEU short courses)
Online Courses can be completed at own pace.
All students have a total of 3 months to complete this course including the exam.
Online Course Price: $59.00 / R1 200.00
Please enquire for workshop/ live stream price
Advanced Training Systems (2 CEU Credits)
Training systems have long been used to exploit specific adaptations for strength, power, mass and metabolic enhancements. This course walks you through the individual systems, identifying specific benefit and programmatic factors that make them work. Increase your knowledge in these effective training methods to amplify results for your clients and yourself.
This course looks at how to effectively use supersets, contrast set, complexes and more. Learn how to optimally program for results using these training systems for strength power and performance as well as what works for mass gain and metabolic conditioning. Learning how to use these systems will take your programming to the next level.
Methods of Study:
Combination Course workshops are done at our facilities and via live streaming regularly throughout the year – please enquire for course dates
Online courses start on the 1st of each month
All course registrations take place on the 25th of each month. Course payments have to be received by the 23rd of each month to be registered in that month or the registration will be drawn over to the next month.
Course Duration:
Full Time Courses / Live Stream 1 day (usually done in combination with other CEU short courses)
Online Courses can be completed at own pace.
All students have a total of 3 months to complete this course including the exam.